General terms and conditions
- 1. Changes will be made as per market conditions and will, at a minimum, be subject to annual
- Patients can take advantage of the discount packages only when payments are made in advance. Bundles of 5, 10, 40, 70 and 100 treatments are available.
- From 70 treatments and up, payments may be split into 2 tranches.
- There is a transportation surcharge of a minimum of N3000 for areas outside Ikoyi, Victoria Island and Lekki up to chevron roundabout. The surcharge incurred will be dependent on traffic, distance and time to and from the patient’s destination. An estimate will be
provided ahead of time. - An average session last 45 to 60 minutes, sessions exceeding 90 minutes will be count as 2 sessions. Your therapist would discuss this with you to confirm approval for extended sessions.
- Clients are expected to be ready for an appointment 10 minutes before the scheduled time. Patients arriving more than 20 minutes late will forfeit their session unless prior notification is given and time is available to accommodate the shift. Patients giving less than 2 hours
advance notice of cancellation also forfeit their session except in cases of emergency. The appointment begins at the scheduled time and will end at the scheduled time. Should the therapist be late, they will inform you beforehand and continue or rescheduled as
appropriate. Should your therapist be too late to keep the appointment transportation surcharge will not be applied and the session rescheduled. - If you are unable to make appointment, we ask that you please give 24 hours’ notice except in cases of emergency.
- Please note that all payments should be strictly by transfer, POS or Paystack. Cash payments are only accepted on confirmation of the MD. Clients With vouchers must submit the voucher for payment and the receipt will be drawn up with indication of balance remaining.
I hereby have read and accepted all these terms and conditions as mentioned above.